Forni a legna serie Classic

Wood-burning ovens "Classic Line"

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Series of wood-burning ovens for domestic and professional use, complete with stainless steel closure and thermometer, mouth opening 44 cm, on request 50, flue pipe circumference 20 cm. Top thickness 5 cm.

The number of pizzas refers to a diameter of 28 cm

Careful design guarantees superior characteristics, both as regards the uniformity of the temperature on the surface, and for the long maintenance of heat. Entirely handmade in refractory terracotta, it is built in modules with male-female interlocking that guarantee its tightness and ease of assembly. The large mass of our refractory terracotta manages to accumulate a large amount of energy, drastically reducing consumption.

Catalog [pdf]

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Dicono di noi

Ottime pietre, per una cottura ad altissime temperature e senza bruciare il fondo, quindi consigliate soprattutto per la pizza napoletana. Acquistate già per il forno classico, il G3 Ferrari ed anche per illillo Extreme, che con la mia modifica rotante, va che è una meraviglia! Ho preso da poco anche il koda 16 e più avanti valuterò se prendere la pietra fiesoli anche per questo forno.

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